Online shopping offers consumers significant time and cost savings by eliminating the need for intermediaries. By facilitating online purchases, you can boost your revenue and tap into a vast audience seeking convenience and speed.

Our eCommerce experts specialize in transforming your digital presence. From crafting sleek, intuitive store designs to optimizing the checkout process, we ensure your online shop provides a seamless, efficient, and swift experience. Customers will find it easy to browse, navigate, and securely make purchases, enhancing their shopping experience and driving your sales growth.


Stand Out from the Crowd

A crucial element of eCommerce success lies in selecting a skilled photographer who can capture stunning images of your products and services. Without visually appealing photos, even the most valuable and unique items can fail to attract buyers.

Our photographers collaborate with you to highlight your brand in the best light and from the most flattering angles. This simple yet often overlooked solution is essential for those navigating eCommerce independently.

Based in Montreal, Toronto, and Atlanta, our eCommerce marketing team is dedicated to creating standout "hero" images that embody your brand and serve as a powerful call to action. We seamlessly integrate traditional retail marketing strategies into your online platform to enhance your digital presence.

Our eCommerce solutions include:

Strategic marketing and execution of a carefully curated plan:

We customize our marketing plan to match your industry, your vision, regions, and the customers you want to reach.

Graphic design for your online store:

Our graphic designers have the talent to take your online store to a higher level of aesthetic appeal, guiding customers naturally to the “buy now” button.

Product catalog set-up:

Let our team set up your online catalog so it is easy to navigate and supported by professionally-shot images that inspire a buy.

Secure cart and checkout:

We keep your customer data safe and secure through every phase of the buying process.

Conversion testing (A/B and CRO):

We are believers in “testing the waters,” and we utilize conversion testing to track which ads are producing the best result. It’s an ongoing process that keeps your eCommerce site relevant.

Content creation (video, multimedia, motion graphics, blogs, infomercials):

Your eCommerce site needs content, and we have you covered with some of the most talented pros in the business.

Platform management (WordPress, Shopify, Magento 1 and 2):

Keep all aspects of your site working together and communicating seamlessly.

eBay and Amazon marketing:

Ramp up your sales through eBay and Amazon with the help of our talented team of online marketing gurus.

Payment options:

Our team will set up all your payment options, including credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, or others.

Shipping integration:

We can integrate shipping into the buying process to help create a seamless buyer experience and reduce your workload.

Consumer management tools:

Gather and track customer data with consumer management tools to enhance the buyer experience.

Management of SEO, PPC, email, social media, and affiliates:

Our marketing team can help you drive business to your site with our professional online marketing activities to keep interest high and the customers rolling in.

Consumer retention and loyalty:

The best customer is a loyal customer who comes back again and again. We can help you develop loyalty programs to benefit your customers and bring them back for more.

Rewards program development:

Online buyers love rewards programs, earning points, and reaching the final goal – a huge discount or a freebie. We can help you develop a rewards program that is a win-win.


Online shoppers adore special promotions, discount codes, and specials, and we can help you create promotions that inspire purchases.

Google analytics:

Our team can track an astonishing range of activities, including session duration, pages opened per session, bounce rate, and where online traffic is coming from to tweak your site for continuous improvements.


Ready to Begin?

Navigating the complexities of new terminology and technology can be daunting. That's why we've developed a consultation process that puts you back in control. We listen to your business goals and objectives, then translate our solutions into straightforward terms you can easily understand and apply.

In today's tech-driven market, success hinges on building trust and maintaining clear communication with your eCommerce marketing team. You only need to know what you want; we'll handle the rest. We'll tailor a package that aligns with your values, vision, and brand essence, allowing you to focus on what you do best while expanding your reach to millions of potential new customers.

Have a specific question
or just wanna chat?

Our contact form collects essential details including your first and last name, business name, email, phone number, and web URL. Please also select the services you're interested in: Design & Branding, Marketing Services, Media, Social Media, E-Commerce, or Software. Fill out the form, and our team will promptly reach out to you.
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